Nurse Jackie, Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot

26 Feb

I have heard many good things about Nurse Jackie but since I don’t have Showtime in my house I never got the change to watch it until now. Thank God for Netflix!! Right from the start the first thing I loved was the inner monologue with the T.S Elliot quote, plus what the nun told her when she was in the 10th grade which put in short terms is that even good people have a sort of dark side, to me that is a sort of foreshadowing for the season, she(Nurse Jackie) might be struggling with something and that is going to be an ongoing battle she will have with herself throughout the show. I have to admit that for this first episode I really did not research the series because I wanted to be surprised and make my own opinions before I started reading what others had to say about it. The only thing that I knew ahead of time was the description on the back of the DVD jacket that I got from Netflix, after this episode then I will search more about it so I can get to know the actors and their past works. One actor I already know from a movie, which is Peter Facinelli who was in Twilight so I know a little about the way he acts.

Throughout the show I saw some similarities to the FOX series, House and that gets me excited about this series since I love House. The main character (Nurse Jackie) is a drug user/addict who during the episode sniffed some pills like three times, and she has back problems, again very similar to House. The first impression I got of her was that she is a very compassionate person, she spends the whole show mourning the poor guy who died at the beginning claiming that she could of done something to save him. I was pretty shocked when she just signed his license in the back that makes him an organ donor, all I could think about during the show was, Is she going to get caught? I like how she put Dr. Cooper(Peter Facinelli) in his place, she seems like the type that doesn’t take anything from anybody. She also overworks herself too much, which can be one of the reasons whys he seems so stressed and needs the drugs. She does however have a pretty colorful vocabulary, she “curses like a sailor”. The end was the biggest shocker for me, SHE’S MARRIED WITH KIDS. I wouldn’t have been so shocked if I hadn’t seen her earlier in the show getting it on with one of the doctors and then telling him she loves him when she was going home, I’m guessing he is the one that supplies her with the drugs. After the episode ended I found myself wanting to watch more, I want to know how serious she is with the doctor? What is the cause for her back pains? And overall why is she cheating on her husband?

The other characters seem pretty cool, especially Mohammed who I think is a nurse also, I can tell he’s going to be very fun and funny throughout the season. Zoey the student nurse is kind of slow but I think that as the time goes on she will learn a lot from Jackie, and she seems to look up to her. Dr. Cooper seems like a jerk and I kind of do blame him for the death of the guy from the beginning because he was more interested in his phone than to listen to Jackie when she was right about the buy’s condition. I actually kind of like Dr. O’Hara, I don’t know what it is about her that I like although it might be her awesome foreign accent(I LOVE accents). I’m really looking forward to watch how these characters along with Jackie grow throughout the season.

Overall I liked the first episode, it opened up questions that I want to know the answers to thus making me want to keep watching the other episodes so I give it a 4/5.

I watched this episode on Monday 2/21/2011 at around 2pm, alone in my room since nobody wanted to watch it with me.


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